Short Stories by David Gardiner
Updated with many new stories 1st January 2014
If you have visited in the past you will have noticed that the site was extremely cluttered with practically every story I have ever written since leaving school, most of them very old and best forgotten. Well, in order to minimise your boredom I have now pruned away as much of the dead wood as possible and included only those stories in which I feel I can take a certain measure of pride.
Most of these have appeared in one or other of my collections, in small magazines, or in other collections or anthologies, such as the annual Voices From The Web series published by UKA Press, the (now defunct) literary quarterly La Fenêtre edited by Deborah Rey, Tales for a Long Flight edited by John Griffiths, the Gold Dust Magazine Solid Gold anthology, or the annual anthology of Fish prize-winning stories.
The stories range from comedy to some very dark material. I won't try to introduce them, because it isn't really for me to say what a reader is going to find in a story. With a short story the author does only half the work, the other half is the responsibility of you the reader. Each goes to the well and draws something slightly different. That's the way it's meant to be.
If you like these stories you might like to consider buying one or other of my two collections, each of which contains twenty-five of what I believe to be my best stories, linked together by the perverse ramblings of The Rainbow Man, a wandering Irish sage, tramp and storyteller who inhabits my dreams and nightmares.